Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Chapter 11 - Friends (snippet)

Here we go again - if you haven't read the first three chapters, the opening of this chapter has a retroactive spoiler (so go read them). The next post will be complete from Chap 1 - 12 (or maybe 13) because I went back and corrected a few typos and repaginated.

This is, I think, the longest chapter so far. More connections are made. It also mentions Eschaton, which may amuse some regular readers. As far as I know, there is no such company as WebbieComm. There is a WebbyComm; it isn't a company but rather a product; not to be confused.

Chapter 11 - Friends
“Good morning, Jim,” Tina chirped cheerfully, barely looking up from her magazine. “Feeling better? Larry's looking for you.”

“Hi, Tina, yes fine, and thanks.” He paused at her desk and added, “you're looking bright and cheerful this morning.”

“Why thank you!” she smiled, her turn to blush for a change. She guessed he really was feeling better.

He'd barely landed in his chair when Spaz popped up in its usual spot. “Hey, dude. Did you see the news this morning? Some story, huh?”

“That guy who caught the little girl? Yeah, I saw it. And don't call me dude.”

“What little girl?” Spaz asked. “No, dude, I mean the Seattle Shooter. Only it wasn't Seattle. It was Tukwila. Guess they didn't think the Tukwila Shooter had that ring. Guy wasted the whole company.”

“Oh, yeah, I did see something about that.”

“Dude, doesn't Tukwila ring a bell? WebbieComm? Ding, ding, ding? That's our eCommerce stuff! Bailey's trying to get one of their board members on the phone, but no luck so far. Too early over there, besides I bet they'll have other things on their minds than our little linkup. You know what this means, right?”

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