Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Hard Work

I wouldn't call it writer's block, since I know exactly where I'm going with chapter 41. But it's a tough one to write. So it might be another day or so yet.

One of (I hope) the interesting things about Chaos Theories is that while the action is pretty chronological, the deeper themes have to do with immutable streams of time. The next chapter is a very strong example of this. The whole thing takes place sequentially as Allen drives east across Pennsylvania, but deals with several loops of time and events that brought him there. The question I have for myself as I write it is how much I can accomplish this without simply being confusing, or appearing sloppy. It may come down to a single sequence discussed within another, or (I again hope) I may be able to effectively do a couple of them. 

Of course, now that I've explained it, I've probably ruined the effect.  So maybe I'll just tell the story. You'll have to come back in a day or so and see.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chapter 40 - In The Teacup

Things - or at least, people - are starting to come together. This chapter is just a bit longer - about five pages - but a lot of that is dialog. Also, I've updated the "Book To Date" link at the right to include chapters 1 - 40, so if this is your first visit go there first.

Chapter 40 (pdf)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chapter 39 - Curtains

It's only one page. The next one is a little longer and will be up soon.

Chapter 39 (pdf)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Chapter 38 - Intersections

Forshadowing? Moi?

Chapter 38 in PDF

Reminder once again to new readers - the entire work to date is available at the right under the Getting Started section. This chapter will make no sense if you haven't read the rest of the book. Also, a reminder that this is not a children's book. I'm not even sure I should be reading it. And I'm old.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chapter 37 - Hunger

Risotto is not for everyone.

Incidently, this chapter marks 100 typed 8 1/2 x 11 pages to date. More than 2/3 finished, I think.

Chapter 37 (pdf)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chapter 36 - Monsters

A monster can still be afraid of monsters

Chapter 36 - pdf

(The Book To Date link under Getting Started at right has been updated to include chapters 1 - 36)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Chapter 35 - Larry

When I started this book, Spaz was a very minor incidental character. He's grown organically and sometimes he surprises even me. Johnny Depp could play him in the movie.

Chapter 35 - Larry (pdf)

Musing About Names

There are a lot of names in this book. Some of them are chosen just because I like the sound of them, a couple are inside jokes, and a few are taken from people I know. That doesn't mean the character is the person he or she is named after. Mostly it is because of some aspect of his or her personality that I really like and wanted to use. So if you know me and see your name, it is either a compliment or has nothing to do with you.

Jim Parish is a name I've used for years in short stories and aborted novel starts. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the character that became Allen was originally named Jim Parish. This Jim actually does borrow some from Jim, but I created Jim before I ever knew Jim. Don't worry, Jim, it isn't you - it's another Jim.

Allen isn't based on anyone real. I might have named him Steve, but that would have been misleading. Williams is a substitute name, because my much smarter wife noticed that too many names I picked started with the letter "J." He was originally Allen Jefferson, because I don't know any Jeffersons.

Vicki, you know who you are.

Tali is a nickname I made up from a Hindu name meaning "bird." Look it up. I picked Larry because it is so inappropriate for him, it makes his nickname more acceptable to use.

If you don't know whom agent Laramie and Dr. Manos are named after, you either haven't been reading or don't watch the same plays and movies that I do.

Some of the minor characters are named after people I know, either because I have a mental image of what they look like in my head, or because I like them and wanted to include them in the book, or because I wanted them dead. I'll never tell which is which. There are also some characters - like Jessica's husband - that have no name at all. That is very deliberate on my part, it's a way of designating them as non-persons for the purposes of the story.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Chapter 33 & 34

It's Tuesday morning. Jim Parish is waiting for the alarm, agents Laramie and Blake are in a hospital in Boise.

Chapter 33 and 34 (pdf)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Chapter 32 - Newark

Wow. Two chapters in one day. This one was fun to write.

Chapter 32 - Newark (pdf)

Chapter 31 - Different Things

Chapter 30 was a bit of a detour. I liked it, and it set up some important thematic plot points. But I suspect that my future publisher will ask for some harsh editing.

Chapter 31 returns to the human side of the story. I'll bet you've been wondering where Maya went.

I'm also including a link to the full work to date for newcomers who haven't been following along. I'll probably put a permanent link on the page to "work to date" to make it easier for people, what do you think?

Chapter 31 - Differnt Things (pdf)

Complete Work To Date (chapters 1 - 31)