Monday, September 6, 2010
No longer a draft!
Well, that didn't take long. As it turned out, there was very little I wanted to change. A couple of paragraphs here and there. Plus fixing some some continuity issues - at one point, Laramie got into a Lincoln and got out of a Caddy. Stuff like that. And some grammatical issues. The biggest changes were to descriptions of Allen's deterioration.
I'm pretty happy with it overall. If you are already reading, you might want to re-download. The substantial changes are all in the second half of the book. We'll see what changes the publisher wants as soon as I find one. Meanwhile, the next book is already writing itself in my head. Can you guess which character will span them both?
Mobi/Kindle file here
PDF file here
I'm pretty happy with it overall. If you are already reading, you might want to re-download. The substantial changes are all in the second half of the book. We'll see what changes the publisher wants as soon as I find one. Meanwhile, the next book is already writing itself in my head. Can you guess which character will span them both?
Mobi/Kindle file here
PDF file here